Dec 28, 2017 | Coffee and Chocolate, Gallery, Thank You |
Oh be still my heart!! This card is “almost” the perfect card in my world! I love the ribbon, the touch of paper lace at the bottom edge, the fabulous coffee stained Coffee Break Designer Series Paper and just the overall design of this card. The...
Dec 26, 2017 | Coffee and Chocolate, Encouragement, Gallery |
Happy Day After Christmas!! I am still on my Coffee Cafe Bundle Kick and I even have one more that I will be sharing with you later this week. For this particular card, I really like the that it features a Z-Fold. The inside sentiment is just behind the coffee...
Dec 22, 2017 | Coffee and Chocolate, Gallery, Thank You |
I am a huge fan of coffee and chocolate. So are my kids. So is my husband. We can all make cups of coffee, top them with some real homemade whip cream, break up a dark chocolate bar to split and sit in front of the fireplace happy as clams sipping our coffee...